SCM V+ Gallery

Installation (Sewing threads, metal nails, magnet, acrylic boxes)

WU Ka Sin, Nicole 胡嘉倩
2020 BA Creative Media graduate


There is a distance they tend to keep.

They attract.

They conflict.

They threaten and defend.

Tension remains, until they are wounded.


This installation art results from the process of art therapy by confronting my inner side. The strong emotions are my material. Understanding vulnerability on a deeper level is a lesson for me. I grab these feelings and express them through therapeutic art approaches. It is a self-discovery and the beginning of a self-care journey. It is a visualisation of a psychological disposition by exploring the correlation between human intimacy and self – expression. I make responses to art objects through crafting creation and try to discover the notion of “art is healing”. I integrate my struggle to a new perspective and contextualise abstract feelings to challenge my fear and also the power of art.

Two thread-wrapped cubes facing side by side on the wall. One has metal nails connected with threads and the other has a magnet within.The nails suspended in the air with the attraction force of the magnet trying to pull. It is a symbol of intimacy in a relationship. They get close, they create tension, they threaten and defend, until they are wounded.

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