SCM V+ Gallery

A Doll’s Dream

2D animation / 3’39”

CHEUNG Tsz Yan Andy 章梓恩
MFA graduate


An urban fairy tale about a workaholic man who wishes for romance


A lonely man walks along the street. He buys a music box along the way back home as the music box brings him a feeling of deja vu. He turns on the music box and lets it play when he arrives home. He falls asleep and has a weird dream that night. He becomes an 8-year-old boy wearing a doll’s suit. He dances with the figurine in an empty stadium. All of a sudden, the girl’s movements grind to a halt. The protagonist notices that the clockwork has wound down. There was a key at the edge of the stage for winding up the clockwork. However, when he reaches the key, an earthquake destroys the stage and the protagonist falls into an abyss. The girl reaches out to catch him but it is already too late.It is his ringing phone that brings him back to reality.
現實是殘酷的, 讓人想逃進自己的幻想裏, 但殘酷的現實最終會將幻想破滅。

Artist Statement

Through this animation, I aim to express how reality forces us to take refuge in fantasy, and how fragile fantasy is in face of reality. Although modern life provides plenty of material comforts, it strips us of personal contact and replaces it with ever-increasing workloads and obligations. Ironically, the most basic human needs of love and companionship have become increasingly difficult to satisfy in the hyper-connected world of the 21st century. In times like this, it is human nature to turn to fantasy, but unlike reality, fantasy is like a soap bubble, as jolly and beautiful as it is transient, it is doomed to disappear the moment it is created.
章梓恩, 香港本地生, 2016年畢業於悉尼科技大學傳理學學系, 同年入讀香港城市大學創意媒體學院。於迎新生活動中受到一套名為《逆石譚》的本科生舊生作品所感動,立心畢業時要以此佳作為目標制作手繪動畫。《泡影之夢》是我這幾年挑戰的結果。相信往後我會為創作更好的手繪動畫繼續努力挑戰下去。

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