SCM V+ Gallery


Video Installation (Wood, fabric, glass, monitors)

LAM Esther Yuen Ching 林琬晴
2020 BA Creative Media graduate


A video installation which shows the encounter between the priest and the girl. The narrative of the two videos reveal the artist’s confusion towards religion. The video not only tells a story, also acts as a salvation of the artist. Through the video montage and surround sound, the audience can experience the space, smell and sound by the installation. It is not only a recreation of space, also a recreation of scenario or process of confession with the priest in this work.

Video Sequence 1:
Video Sequence 2:


Catholicism became part of my growing background because of my family. I got baptised and enrolled into Catholic primary and secondary school. However, Religious rituals are a bondage to me which make me feel more confused about the nature of Catholicism.

I believe in god and I think people should love others as much as they can, instead of blindly following the commandments and complicated ceremonies.

Confession is one of the most controversial acts of believers which believed that people’s sin would be forgiven after they talked to the priest.

Yet, I think it is a backscratching relationship that some believers hope to exempt from god’s punishment while some priests are indulged in their thought of power of being selected by god. As a result, it comes to my personal questions about love, care, atonement, hope and beliefs.

Artist Statement

“For the wages of sin is death. The person who sins is the one who will die. “
(Romans 6:23) / (Ezekiel 18:20)

“Sometimes, the most immersed person is the most divine. Only because he bears sins and understands suffering can he truly love the world, worship the Holy Spirit, and become one with it.”

The work stems from the artist’s confusion towards religion system. Religion is supposed to lead people to good, but misinterpretation or excessive belief in religion pushes people to extremes. Thus, religion is dominated by power, and we have to struggle under the lies of “love.”

“The more care is taken of them the more does their fondness disappear.”

(羅馬書 6:23) /(厄則克爾 18:20)




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