SCM V+ Gallery


Installation with silk and metals.
Variable dimensions.

TSANG Po Lam, Grace 曾葆琳
2020 BA Creative Media graduate


Suffocated with the powerlessness of art, my project was triggered through the moment that I accidentally captured the smoke generated during the cremation of a stranger’s funeral. Between January and February 2020, I have visited different crematoriums in Hong Kong, capturing photographs of the same series. Based on the time specificity of the project, the photographs were presented as an abstract calendar. The experience of confronting death, my emotional struggles share similarity to pages of a calendar, a random moment that I observed during the lockdown moment in Hong Kong.
創作的無力感在過去的一年一直籠罩著我。在一次偶爾的機會下,我拍下了一位陌生人火化儀式中產生出來的輕煙的照片。其後在二零二零年一月至二月期間,我到訪不同的火化場, 拍攝更多同類型的影像。就著作品創作的時間性,影像的記錄以抽象的月曆呈現。對於萬物流變的無常,自身的精神狀態就如等待被撕走的失效月曆一樣,游離在滯留又偶爾泛起的狀態。

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