SCM V+ Gallery

Life as a Canvas
Photo montage sequence / 2’08”

AHN Jihyun, Eden 安志弦
Student of SM2105 Narrative Strategies and Aesthetics of Time-based Media


Time, color, and ambiance. These are three aspects that I focused on for this work.

‘Time’ in life always flows forward. There is no way to ‘undo’ or ‘control + z’ in real life. The sequence is unfolded by following the four stages of human life, childhood, adolescence, middle age, and senescence.
How much you see is how much you know.
Color is the key to present the amount of knowledge you have when you see a certain image. We human beings all come from zero. We gain knowledge, information through the experience we have every day. It all sets out from white and when all the experiences are merged and make who you are, the ultimate color becomes black.
From silence to ambiance, and ambiance to silence.


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